Review : Easy Camp 120042 Eclipse 200 Tente dôme Bleu/rouge
Save Price Easy Camp 120042 Eclipse 200 Tente dôme Bleu/rouge. Buy on the merchant 's on-line searching and browse testimonials. If you're trying to uncover Easy Camp 120042 Eclipse 200 Tente dôme Bleu/rouge with one of the most efficient worth. This is the most productive offers to suit your needs. Exactly where you may discover these item is by on-line looking retailers? Read the review on Easy Camp 120042 Eclipse 200 Tente dôme Bleu/rouge Now, it 's spacial worth. as a result don't shed it.
Main Features : Easy Camp 120042 Eclipse 200 Tente dôme Bleu/rouge
- Tente:
- Application: Sport de montagne
- Type : tente igloo
- Nombre personnes: 2
- Direction: Long
- Nombre de chambre: 1
- Apside: 1
- Matériau:
- Exterieur: 100 % Polyester
- Colone d'eau: 1500 a 3000 mm
- tente int: 100% Polyester
- Tapis de sol: 100% Polyethylene
- Armature: Fibre de verre
- Gabarit:
- Taille int: 210 x 140 x 110 cm
- Empreinte (Lxl): 340 x 160 cm
- Poid total de la tente: 3.8 kg
- Taille emballage (Lxl): 57 x 19 cm
- Materiel:
- Nombre de fenetres: 2
- Fourniture: comprend un sol démontable pour la partie entrée
- Information complementaire: Poche filet

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