Review : Outwell Malibu 4 vert tente tunnel
Special Price !! Outwell Malibu 4 vert tente tunnel. Purchase around the merchant 's on the web searching and browse reviews. If you're attempting to find Outwell Malibu 4 vert tente tunnel with probably the most efficient worth. This is the most efficient deals for you personally. Where you may find these item is by online searching stores? Read the previews on Outwell Malibu 4 vert tente tunnel Now, it 's spacial worth. consequently usually do not lose it.
Main Features : Outwell Malibu 4 vert tente tunnel
- Tente:
- Application: Sport de montagne
- Type : Tente tunnel
- Nombre personnes: 4
- Direction: Long
- Nombre de chambre: 1
- Apside: 1
- Matériau:
- Exterieur: 100 % Polyester
- Colone d'eau:
- 3000 - 10000 mm
- 3000 - 10000 mm
- tente int: 100 % Polyester
- Tapis de sol: 100 % Polyethylene
- Armature: Acier
- Gabarit:
- Taille int: 215 x 215 x 190 cm
- Empreinte (Lxl): 430 x 240 cm
- Poid total de la tente: 17 kg
- Taille emballage (Lxl): 30 x 78 cm
- Fourniture: Avec sac de transport
- Information complementaire: Porte torche et fixations câbles

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